
Mark E. P. Roberts is teachermandc, a middle-aged, African American, high school English teacher entering his tenth year of instructing young minds. This blog is an attempt to capture the challenge of teaching and the essence of learning. At a time when DC has become the epicenter of educational theory, this blog will keep its preferred focus on students in a somewhat typical DC high school. teachermandc has taught in both public and private schools.  Names have been changed, and musings about in-house politics will be avoided.   My goal is to blog about the joys and challenges inherent in teaching.  I encourage comment, especially from other teachers embarking on a similar journey.  Hope you enjoy.

6 Responses to About

  1. Bryant says:

    I enjoy reading your blog. Though I keep up with the politics/news of the current ‘reform movement’, it’s nice to read someone who can remind me of the joys of teaching. I’m in my 16th year, so reading the account of someone with less experience (cynicism) reminds me of the positive things that occur in my class.

    • teacherman01 says:

      Wow, sixteen years in the classroom. I salute you. Because I came to the profession late, I often worry that I will not get to see how my students have grown over the years. I think all of us teachers would be surprised at how long we linger in the lives of our students. Happy teaching!

  2. Max Frazier says:

    Your blog is great – I have shared some posts with my students who are pre-service teachers. This is 34 years for me in education. Still a lot to learn.

  3. Thank you so much. I salute your service. One of the great things about teaching is that learning is always present.

  4. Vilmita says:

    Urban elementary education is my goal upon graduation next year. Your posts always give much insight. Thank you.

    • Thank you for your kind remarks and your dedication to your goal. There will always be a need for dedicated teachers, no matter what educational trend rises or falls. Keep your eyes focused on the prize–on the children before you–and the rest seems to take care of itself. Good luck with your studies.

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